Serving My Viking Masters: Complete Series Read online

  Serving My Viking Masters

  Complete Series

  Serena Starling

  eXcessica publishing

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  Serving My Viking Masters: Complete Series © 2018 by Serena Starling

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  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

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  This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

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  Excessica LLC

  P.O. Box 127

  Alpena, MI 49707

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  Cover design © 2018 Lesia Solotva

  First Edition January 2018

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  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.


  1. Book 1: Lost Innocence

  2. Book 2: Spoils of War

  3. Book 3: Stolen Pleasures

  4. Book 4: Passion’s Price


  About the Author

  Excerpt: Seducing My Sexy Stepbrother: Splash Zone

  More from Excessica

  Book 1: Lost Innocence

  Ireland 858 AD

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  My dreams were thick with portent the morning the Northmen attacked. I ran through a fog, steps hampered as mud sucked at my bare feet, heart pounding to escape the men who gave chase. I couldn’t see their faces but I knew they were Northmen — Northmen bent on killing me.

  One of the faceless men I’d thought I could trust. He’d been different than the others and I’d grown to care for him. But now he chased me, calling my name in a voice sounding like death itself. His betrayal bit deep.

  I was to be their sacrifice.

  * * *

  “Kira.” Rough hands on my shoulders shook me awake. My eyes flew open, half expecting to see the men from my dream, but instead met the terrified gaze of Riona, my uncle’s wife. I heard a faint clanging sound in the distance. The church bells? Who would sound the bells so early in the morning? It was not yet dawn. “We must flee,” Riona whispered. “Rise quickly!”

  I sat up, a question forming on my lips, but Riona had already moved to the bench next to me where my cousin Neasa slumbered. Little Neasa slept deeply, face flushed, with her thumb in her mouth. She cried in protest as her mother pulled her from the blankets.

  A faint scream from outside chilled the blood in my veins.

  “What is happening?” I couldn’t hide the quaver in my voice.

  “I know not,” Riona said, fumbling with little Neasa’s shoes.

  “Could it be...Northmen?” I whispered, remembering my strange dream.

  We lived close enough to Dubhlinn that we’d always felt somewhat protected from such an attack. There were Northmen in Dubhlinn, of course, but they lived there, many with their families. Although not considered quite Irish, they weren’t the same brutish men from the north who sailed up the Irish coastline every year to plunder the smaller villages.

  But what else could be causing such a commotion hours before dawn?

  Riona met my gaze over Neasa’s head, brown eyes huge in her pale face. Although she didn’t speak, her fear was palpable nonetheless.

  I donned my own shoes, then pulled my gown from its hook to dress quickly. I rifled through a chest my uncle kept near their bunk, finally pulling out a dagger. My uncle was a fisherman, not a warrior. The blade looked as though it was in need of a good sharpening.

  Riona nodded as I attached the dagger to my belt. She handed me my cloak, then lifted Neasa, hushing her sniffles. We rushed outside, not knowing what danger lay in wait for us in the darkness.

  We ran toward Dubhlinn, despite my protests otherwise. My uncle preferred to get his boat on the water very early, and had only left shortly before the bells sounded. Riona was convinced it would be safer to find him in the relative protection of the city, rather than hiding in the woods and chancing an encounter with the Northmen.

  We moved as silently as we could, hoods of our dark cloaks pulled around our faces, blending in with the night. But little Neasa was unhappy with the chill of the morning and the jostling of being carried at her mother’s shoulder. Her whimpers, as well as Riona’s shushing, grew louder.

  A shout rang through the darkness, causing my belly to clench in terror. The Norse voice spoke again. “Halt!”

  I’d learned quite a bit of Norse from hawking my uncle’s catch in Dubhlinn every day. As the fishmonger’s niece, I would travel up and down the streets, pushing the heavy cart before me, calling out in both Irish and Norse of the freshness of the catch I offered for sale.

  I dutifully followed my uncle’s instructions to smile, laugh, and converse with the men who bought from me, teetering on the edge of flirtation. I hated it, but he insisted all the men were mad for me, praising my beauty and charms to any who would listen. I suspected this was the reason he hadn’t accepted any offers of marriage he’d received for me thus far. He didn’t want to lose the future sales ensured by my rosy lips and shapely figure.

  Riona and I picked up our skirts and sprinted for our lives. I heard footsteps behind us, the sounds of someone crashing through the brush, as my gaze focused on the terrified eyes of little Neasa at her mother’s shoulder.

  Then I was knocked headlong into the debris of the forest floor with a large body on top of me. The force of the fall stole my breath, and I gasped for air as I was roughly turned over to face my attacker.

  A young Northman stared back at me. The ends of his long hair brushed my face as bright blue eyes bore into mine. His cheeks were smooth, not yet boasting the heavy beard of a full grown man.

  “Run, Riona!” I wheezed. The Northman seemed to be alone. If I kept him occupied with me, there was a good chance Riona and Neasa could make it safely away.

  Riona hesitated, sobs wracking her body as her terrified gaze turned from me to the Northman. He made a move to rise, reaching for her. I wrapped my arms around him tightly to hamper his movements. “Run!”

  The urgency in my voice seemed to compel Riona to action. She turned and ran, not looking back, as the Northman struggled to extricate himself from my tight embrace. He managed to loosen one of my arms, and my fingers brushed against the hilt of the dagger at my hip. I pulled it from its sheath and attempted to drive it into the back of the Northman.

  The blade didn’t sink deeply into his flesh as I’d expected, instead deflecting to the side as though I’d hit a rib. But the young man cried out in pain and reared backward, his hand fumbling to reach the dagger. He grabbed my wrist, forcing me to release the weapon where it was stuck in his body. I stru
ggled against him with the strength of terror.

  Another Norse voice rang through the night. “Tannr! Where are you, boy?”

  “I am here,” the youth replied, voice shaking.

  My heart sank as a very large Northman approached where we lay on the ground. Full grown, he seemed twice the size of the one who held me down. He knelt, grumbling, when he noticed the dagger protruding from Tannr’s back. He examined it closely, then pulled the blade out in one swift motion. Tannr cried out as his body tensed atop mine.

  “Stop your sniveling, it’s naught but a flesh wound.” The large Northman pulled Tannr away from me. “What do you have here?”

  I rolled quickly and made to bolt, but the man grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back to the ground. A face resembling my attacker peered down at me, the same bright eyes and golden hair, but with a bushy blond beard. As the Northmen studied me at length, the lusty glint in his gaze reminded me of the men I sold my uncle’s catch to at the docks.

  “It seems you’ve finally done something right, boy,” he chuckled. “Even if your lovely prize did stab you.”

  His rough hands moved over my body as if assessing an animal for sale. I squirmed in his grasp to no avail, he held me easily. He fondled my breasts, testing their weight, then pinched a nipple through the fabric of my gown. I shrieked in protest, eliciting a laugh from the big Northman. He ran his hand down my side, then squeezed my buttock with an appreciative growl.

  The Northman raised my skirts, sliding his hand up my leg. “Yes,” he ground out, his touch rough against my flesh. “She will do very nicely. And if she’s still a maiden, she’ll fetch a high price indeed.”

  I screamed again as I felt his hand on the sensitive flesh of my womanhood. I struggled harder, but he held both my wrists above my head as he slipped a finger inside me. The Northman moved it in farther, slowly, then stopped with a smile.

  His breath was ragged as I writhed in his grasp, shocked at the feeling of his large finger inside me, but helpless to stop it. Furious tears sprang to my eyes as the Northman stared down at me. “I might decide to keep this one for myself, after all. She is quite lovely.”

  “I wanted to have her,” Tannr mumbled. He crouched awkwardly near a tree, watching us. “I found her, after all.”

  “You did at that,” the big Northman replied, his finger finding a maddening rhythm as it moved inside me. He drew it out briefly to swirl it on the small nub of flesh at the apex of my womanhood. Despite myself, I gasped at the feeling of pleasure the small movement elicited.

  “Father!” Tannr protested.

  The Northman continued his assault, now sliding two fingers inside me. My body quivered at the sensation, clenching hard around the fingers. My breath came out as a pant, and I gritted my teeth to keep from crying out.

  “Was she alone?” the Northman asked, quickening the pace of his movements. “I thought I saw two women. You can have the other one.”

  I met Tannr’s gaze, pleading with him silently to keep the secret of Riona and Neasa. He studied me for a moment, rubbing his crotch through his breeches. “She was alone.” he said finally, never taking his eyes from mine.

  I nearly sobbed in relief, even as the big Northman continued his relentless violation of my body. “I’ve decided to keep her for myself,” my assailant ground out raggedly. “But I will share her with you this once, as you did go to the trouble of catching her.”

  He quickened the pace of his fingers, driving in deeply and rubbing the nub of flesh with his thumb. A restlessness enveloped me, a heavy feeling of pressure deep in my belly that demanded release. I fought against it to no avail. An explosion of pleasure wracked my body as I arched up against the Northman’s hand, soft cries coming from my mouth against my will. My womanhood continued to clench involuntarily as he finally withdrew his fingers.

  What had just happened? Cheeks flushed, I struggled in shame, wanting to cover myself. The early morning air kissed my bare thighs, cooling the heat of my body. I could feel the wetness of my womanhood the Northman’s fingers had evoked. Even worse, my traitorous body throbbed for more of his attentions.

  “Come here, boy,” the big one ordered. He pulled my gown and shift over my head, leaving me naked save for my shoes and knee high stockings. He flipped me over so I was on my hands and knees, shivering in the near-dawn chill, but continued to crouch over me so I couldn’t try to run. He grabbed at my breasts where they swayed, pinching my nipples hard, as he roughly pushed my legs apart with his knee.

  My womanhood quivered in anticipation, even as fear filled me anew. Despite his earlier statement that he would sell my maidenhood, he now seemed intent on taking it here and now.

  Tannr approached, wincing a bit against the obvious pain of his wound. He looked to the one behind me, awaiting his orders.

  “Use her mouth,” the big man ground out. “I can’t wait much longer.”

  Tannr knelt before me, fumbling to untie his breeches. I bucked, trying to get away, but the big Northman grabbed my hair from behind to hold my head still. Tanner pushed his trousers down, freeing his manhood, and it jutted expectantly toward my mouth.

  I stared up at him. He had let Riona and Neasa go, and obviously now wanted something in return. I hadn’t realized the favor he would demand of me would include his cock in my mouth.

  “Open,” the big one ordered. I squirmed, held firmly in place by his grip on my hair, but refused to open my mouth. I felt the big Northman shift behind me, then a sharp sting of pain as his hand came down hard on my buttocks. “Open!”

  Tears again sprang to my eyes. I gasped, and Tannr used the opportunity to push himself inside my mouth. Gagging, I cried out, but my protests were muffled by the thick member. I did my best to relax my throat to avoid choking on Tannr’s cock, as I felt the big Northman moving behind me again.

  Desperate to know what he was doing, my eyes rolled back to look at him, but they held me so firmly I couldn’t move. I felt something hard at the juncture of my thighs, sliding on the slippery wetness of my womanhood. The big one grasped my buttocks roughly, lifting it higher, as the tip of his cock pressed into my tender flesh.

  Gripping my hair to keep my head still for Tannr’s relentless assault, he pierced me from behind in one long stroke. I shrieked, choking, as a moment of searing pain tore through my body. The cock buried in my tight folds was thick, stretching me and filling me up, a maddening combination of pleasure and pain. My womanhood throbbed and trembled, gripping it involuntarily.

  Then they were both moving, riding me hard, hammering into me with single-minded force so my buttocks and breasts bounced with every thrust. I squirmed, filled so completely in front and behind, gagging on the stiff member in my mouth and stretched to my limit by the equally thick member in my womanhood.

  The sounds of groaning, of skin slapping against skin, and the slippery friction of my wetness filled the clearing. Tannr moved faster, driving hard into my mouth, his moans of pleasure escalating. I felt his cock grow even harder, wet with my saliva, veins pulsing, then an eruption of something hot and salty in the back of my throat. The one behind me held my head tightly so I couldn’t turn away. Tannr cried out, reaching down to squeeze my breasts, pulling my nipples hard as he pumped the last of his seed into my mouth.

  Choking, I had no choice but to swallow it as the big Northman quickened his own pace behind me. He drove into my flesh ruthlessly, stretching my body with each thrust of his wicked member. Just as feared I could take no more, he thrust a final time, burying himself deep with a groan and shudder. Tannr finally released me, and I let my face sink to my elbows, buttocks high as his father finished, still at last.

  “Barek!” A voice rang through the forest. “Tannr!”

  “We are here,” the Northman behind me called out. The sound of footsteps reached my ears as I collapsed to my side, gasping for breath. “My son found a lovely prize,” Barek said as the newcomer approached, a note of pride in his voice.

  My gaze registered on a p
air of large, dusty boots as the man stopped before me. He knelt, grasping my shoulder to roll me over. A lock of hair fell in my face, and he brushed the tendril aside as he peered down at me.

  The Northmen who’d had their way with me rose to fasten their breeches. I cringed as I made eye contact with the third man. He was huge, larger even than Barek, his massive shoulders blocking the first blush of the rising sun behind him, numerous braids and silver embellishments of his beard giving him a sinister look. His long, dark blond hair fell into his eyes, and he swept it back with a huge hand to study me. Grey eyes examined me thoroughly, traveling at leisure from my face to my body, gaze registering on my full breasts, to the juncture of my thighs, and down my slender limbs.

  His cheeks were flushed as he met my gaze again, and I recognized the desire on his features. I closed my eyes, wincing for what would inevitably come next, and couldn’t hold back a whimper.

  But he didn’t touch me. He leaned over my body, his large chest pressing against my sensitive breasts, to reach for the gown and shift Barek had tossed into the dirt. The big Northman shook out the clothing and handed it to me.

  He spoke to Barek. “She is quite a find,” he agreed with a nod. “And I see you wasted no time with her. Was she a maiden?”

  “Yes,” Barek confirmed, his eyes glinting as he looked me over. “And the girl has the sweetest, tightest hole you can imagine.” He rubbed himself through his breeches. “I harden again just thinking about it.”

  The massive Northman’s gaze again narrowed in on me. He rose to his feet, holding a hand out as though to assist me up as well. But Tannr pushed it away. “I found her, Drengr!” he insisted, glaring up at the large man. “No one else may touch her. She is mine.”